Welcome to Wim Hof Weekend Dates on request
Here you will be on this unique and beautiful island with wood-fired sauna, wood-burning stove, waterfronts, maybe sea eagles as your company, no electricity, no running water, and no flush toilet. Svartlöga is located far out in the Stockholm archipelago.
At this Wim Hof Method Weekend you will be able slow it down, and to become more you. Reconnect to your inner self, the people you are with, and to the beautiful nature. Get healthier, stronger and happier!
Svartlöga is a unique in that it is one of the last inhabited islands in Stockholm's archipelago that is not connected to the electricity grid, there are only solar cells or not even that.
We will take the boat on Friday morning from Stockholm City. 3,5h later we will get off the boat at Svartlöga, take a walk to the house where we will get set. On Sunday we will take the boat back to Stockholm City and arrive there by early evening, the exact times will be communicated later when Waxholmsbolaget has set their timetabel for that period.
During these 3 days we will have workshops as breathings, ice baths, barefoot runs/walks, meditations, yoga and so much more.
Price € On request
The price includes accommodation, food, activities and boat tickets. Accommodation is in a double or multi-bed room.
Cancellation rules: 50% refund from booking date to 7 days before WH weekend Camp start and 7 days before WH weekend Camp start day and after that 0% refund.
Most Welcome,
Kiina and Jimmy
Certified Wim Hof Instructors

To live a healthier, stronger and happier life!
Read more about Kiina click here

I dare say that, even in my relatively young age, I have experienced a lot with this method, and have learned and benefited a great deal from it. My journey with the WHM started in 2017 when I myself was a participant in a WHM weekend. This was led by Wim Hof himself at his place in Stroe. The experience brought me a lot in terms of finding inner strength, and broadening my perceptions of what I thought was possible and impossible. Then in 2019, I started working for the company behind the Method, named Innerfire. First as an intern and later as an employee. It was an experience that truly allowed me to dive deep into it and see all the ins and outs from up-close. I connected with many amazing instructors, great colleagues and Wim Hof himself. An experience that has shaped me in a very positive way. From working for the academy and with communication between the company, instructors and instructors-to-be, I later went on to do the academy trajectory myself, and to become an Instructor too; a dream come true.
Read more about Jimmy click here